When you can’t find it on Google.

Month: September 2009

  • 3 films I probably won’t get to see in theaters

    Documentaries are starting to get more theater time, but there are three recent ones that I probably won’t get to see until they’re out on DVD: Creation, Outrage, and Crude. Coincidentally, I had started on this post just before going to the free Kentucky Short Film & Video Showcase on Tuesday night. I met one…

  • I’m an honest man

    It’s not very often that I blog about philosophical things. My subjective mind is vague and meandering, like a song that needs to be rearranged; please, feel free to translate and connect the dots between these impromptu thoughts. Tonight I’ve been thinking about how people judge my character. Like any good liberal, I try to…

  • Upgrading to 2.8.4

    Sorry for the boring post, but wanted to alert about site outage this morning. Like my first upgrade in June, I still can’t use the “Upgrade Automatically” option, so the site will be down again for about an hour while I set up the latest version of WordPress 2.8.4. I’ve had a slew of issues…