When you can’t find it on Google.

Got a car for sale in Louisville?

*July 26th update below.* The transmission I had overhauled three years ago in my Ford Ranger has given out again. Too expensive to repair it (for a third time), so I’m putting the word out to see if anyone knows of an inexpensive replacement around Louisville, preferably used.

I really don’t even care if I get another truck. I’d like to find another car that will last at least 5 or 6 years and gets 25 mpg or more. Something around $3-6k, is about all I can afford. Or should I just buy a scooter and rent cars for long trips?

Of course, this happens right in the middle of needing to find a new apartment by mid-August, so if you have tips on that, too, I’m all ears. Need an apartment or house for three (clean) bachelors.


The Ranger never did get along with the mechanics.
The Ranger never did get along with the mechanics.

*UPDATE* Well, my friend Dawn at Carriage Ford found me a great deal on another Ranger (used, 2007) this afternoon. Went ahead and bought it. I’m sure I’ll have more info about it soon.


