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In memory of Grandpa Knight

This weekend, we celebrated the life of a beloved family member and friend. I knew him as Grandpa, but he was born Clylas Elwood Knight, Jr., on his mother’s family farm in Hawley, Texas, on Christmas Eve 1925. In his early 20’s, he became known as “Tex,” and it stuck with him the rest of his life.

I wanted to share the above photo of my brother Nick, Grandpa, and me (left to right). It’s from an epic cross-country camping trip that the three of us took in the summer of 1991. It is my favorite memory of him.

In 2010, I helped Grandpa publish his autobiography. It’s been revised with minor corrections a few times and the 3rd Edition is available on Lulu.com.

Links below to his obituaries. (The correct date of his passing is Wednesday, August 21st.)


