All of the films Agnès Varda (1928-2019) directed, culled from multiple sources across the internet. Most people know her from the French New Wave classic, Cléo from 5 to 7, or Vagabond (Sans toit ni loi), but Varda’s filmography extends to at least 84 unique works.

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- La Pointe Courte (1955)②4K Feature film. An unconventional romantic drama set in Sète, a coastal town in the South of France. 80 min.
- Along the Coast (1958)②2K+ “Du côté de la côte.” Short travel bureau documentary about the French Riviera. 25 min.
- La cocotte d’azure (1958) Unsure exactly what this is. Reportedly 10 minutes long, outtakes from “Along the Coast” documentary.
- Diary of a Pregnant Woman (1958)③2K+ “L’Opéra-Mouffe.” Short drama of the rue Mouffetard, Paris 5, through Varda’s eyes; she was pregnant at the time of filming. Silent, with musical and lyrical accompaniment. 16 min.
- Ô saisons ô chateaux (1958)②4K+ Short documentary about the hundreds of châteaux (castles) of the Loire Valley, France. 20 min.
- La Mélangite (1960)⑪* Unfinished drama. Silent with Varda’s commentary. 4 min.
- The Fiancés of Macdonald Bridge (1961)③2K+ “Les Fiancés du Pont Macdonald ou (Méfiez-vous des Lunettes Noires).” Short silent comedy which is shown in “Cleo from 5 to 7.” Subtitle “beware of dark sunglasses.” 5 min.
- Cléo from 5 to 7 (1962)③T 2K “Cléo de cinq à sept.” Feature drama about a woman in Paris, in real time. 90 min.
- Salut les Cubains (1963)⑬2K+ A documentary photo montage short of Cubans filmed by Agnès Varda during her visit to Cuba in 1963. 30 min.
- The Children of the Museum (1964) Unsure what this is. Reportedly a segment called “Les enfants du musée” in 1965 on the French TV series Chroniques de France N° 4 (New Reports from France). IMDb entry. 7 min.
- Le Bonheur (1965)⑤T 2K “Happiness.” Feature length drama. 80 min.
- The Creatures (1966)⑤2K+ “Les Créatures.” Feature length fantasy drama. 92 min.
- Elsa the Rose (1966)⑤2K+ Short documentary. Images and poems of the celebrated couple Louis Aragon and Elsa Triolet. 20 min.
- Christmas Carole (1966)⑪* Unfinished drama. 4 min.
- Uncle Yanco (1967)⑥2K+ Short documentary about her uncle, Jean Varda, whom she had never met previous to filming. He lived in Sausalito, California. 18 min.
- Agnès Varda – Pier Paolo Pasolini – New York – 1967 (2022)* Short silent 16mm documentary of Varda and Pasolini walking around NYC, voiceover added later. 4 min.
- Black Panthers (1968)⑥4K+ Short documentary of the Free Huey Rally on 26 Aug. 1968, Oakland, California. 31 min.
- Lions Love (1969)⑥2K+ aka “Lions Love (… and Lies).” Varda’s first English-language feature film, a drama. 112 min.
- Nausicaa (1971)⑦† Unfinished workprint of a made-for-TV drama. 98 min.
- Minuit tights commercial (1971)⑪† 1 min.
- Tupperware commercial (1971)⑪† 2 min.
- Women Reply (1975)⑦2K+ “Réponse de femmes : Notre corps, notre sexe.” Short documentary of women describing what it means to be a woman. 8 min.
- Daguerreotypes (1976)④2K aka “Daguerréotypes.” A feature documentary of Varda’s neighborhood, Rue Daguerre in Paris. 78 min.
- The Pleasure of Love in Iran (1976)⑦2K+ “Plaisir d’amour en Iran.” A side-film in the same “world” as “One Sings, the Other Doesn’t,” filmed at the Shah Mosque in Isfahan (Esfahan). 6 min.
- One Sings, the Other Doesn’t (1977)⑦T 2K “L’une chante, l’autre pas.” Feature length drama. 120 min.
- Mur Murs (1981)⑥T 2K+ Multi-lingual feature length documentary about murals of Los Angeles, California. 80 min.
- Documenteur (1981)⑥2K+ Dramatic feature length companion piece to “Mur Murs” (it even starts with the same images that Mur Murs ends on). Varda’s son, Mathieu Demy, is one of the main characters. Mostly in French, but takes place in LA. 65 min.
- One Minute For One Image (1983)⑬† Made-for-TV short documentary, modified in 1994 and finalized in 2007. 2 min.
- Ulysse (1983)⑬2K+ Short documentary. 22 min.
- The So-Called Caryatids (1984)③2K+ “Les dites cariatides.” Short documentary for French television. 12 min.
- 7p., cuis., s. de b., … à saisir (1984)⑧2K+ “7 Rm., kit., ba…” aka “Sept pièse, cuisine, salle de bains, à saisir/Seven Rooms, Kitchen, Bathroom, for Sale.” Dramatic short. 28 min.
- Vagabond (1985)⑧T 2K “Sans toit ni loi” (with neither shelter nor law). Dramatic feature. 105 min.
- You’ve Got Beautiful Stairs, You Know… (1986)③2K+ Short documentary focusing on the stairs of the French Cinemateque for its 50th Anniversary. 3 min. [Do these stairs still exist?]
- Kung-Fu Master! (1988)⑨T 2K+ aka “Le petit amour.” Mostly-French drama, set in France and England. 80 min.
- Jane B. by Agnès V. (1988)⑨T 2K+ Docudrama of Varda’s friend, the French-English actress Jane Birkin. 99 min.
- Jacquot (1991)⑩T 4K Usually titled “Jacquot de Nantes.” A drama based on the early life of Varda’s husband, Jacques Demy, who died of AIDS while the film was being made. 118 min.
- The Young Girls Turn 25 (1993)⑩2K+ Feature documentary celebrating Demy’s film “The Young Girls of Rochefort.” 64 min.
- One Hundred and One Nights (1995)⑪T 2K “Les Cent et Une Nuits de Simon Cinéma.” Dramatic feature. 104 min.
- Set Visits (1995)⑪* Behind the scenes of “One Hundred and One Nights.” 11 min.
- The World of Jacques Demy (1995)⑩2K+ “L’Univers de Jacques Demy.” Feature documentary about the life of her late husband. 90 min.
- Agnès Talks About Happiness (1998)⑤* Short interview for ARTE television on “Le bonheur.” 3 min.
- The Gleaners and I (2000)⑫2K “Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse.” Feature documentary about people of France who take leftovers from already-harvested fields. 82 min.
- Post-filmum to “The Gleaners and I” (2002)⑫* Extra artwork. 1 min.
- The Gleaners Museum (2002)⑫* Gallery of gleaners artwork. 24 min.
- Pre-filmum to “The Gleaners and I: Two Years Later” (2002)⑫* Fast-forward version of the first film as a refresher. 3 min.
- The Gleaners and I: Two Years Later (2002)⑫DVCAM “Deux ans après.” Varda returns to the subject of her earlier documentary with another feature-length. 82 min.
- Tribute to Zgougou the Cat (2002)⑫* “Hommage à Zgougou (et salut à Sabine Mamou).” Short documentary about her cats, Bernard and Zgougou. 2 min.
- Vagabond: Remembrances, Interviews, Notes and Comments (2003)⑧* “Sans toit ni loi: souvenirs, entretiens, notes et commentaires.” 41-minute documentary about her 1985 film.
- Music and Dolly Shots (2003)⑧* Supplement to Vagabond. 12 min.
- The Story of an Old Lady (2003)⑧* “Histoire de la vieille dame.” Short documentary about actress Marthe Jarnias, culled from the making of “7p., cuis., s. de b., … à saisir” and “Vagabond.” 4 min.
- To Nathalie Sarraute (2003?)⑧† Varda provides a short introduction, then clips from a 1986 radio interview. 9 min.
- The Vanishing Lion (2003)④2K+ “Le Lion volatil.” Short drama. 12 min.
- Ydessa, the Bears and etc. (2004)⑬DVCAM+ “Ydessa, les ours et etc.” 44-minute documentary about Toronto photographer, Ydessa Hendeles.
- A Fun Moment with Michel Piccoli (2004)⑪* Behind-the-scenes of “One Hundred and One Nights.” 9 min.
- Viennale Walzer (2004) Trailer for the October film festival in Austria. On YouTube. 2 min.
- Rue Daguerre in 2005④* “La Rue Daguerre en 2005.” Short documentary revisiting her 1976 film Daguerreotypes. 23 min.
- The Music Festival (2005)④* Footage of June event on rue Daguerre. 3 min.
- Daguerreotypes, Photographic Objects (2005)④* Short historical documentary. 6 min.
- Cléo from 5 to 7: Remembrances and Anecdotes (2005)③* “Cléo de 5 à 7: souvenirs et anecdotes.” Short documentary with new interviews of cast and crew from her 1962 film. 36 min.
- More So-called Cayatids (2005)③* “Les dites cariatides bis.” Very short 2-minute documentary, an addendum to her 1984 film.
- Bread, Painting and Accordion (2005)④* Documentary about Varda’s local bakery. 8 min.
- The Two Women of “Le bonheur” (2006)⑤* Drouot and Boyer are interviewed by Varda’s daughter Rosalie. 6 min.
- Thoughts on “Le bonheur” (2006)⑤* A panel of intellectuals discuss the film and concept of happiness. 15 min.
- Happiness? The People of Fontenay Respond (2006)⑤* Real-life residents of Fontenay-aux-Roses (where “Le bonheur” was shot). 6 min.
- Happiness: Proper Noun or Concept (2006)⑤* “Le bonheur” supplement. Quotes from famous writers about happiness, and two short interviews. 2 min.
- Some Widows of Noirmoutier (2006)⑮* “Quelques veuves de Noirmoutier.” Feature-length documentary of her 2005 “L’île et elle” exhibit. 69 min.
- Jean-Claude Douet Returns (2006)⑤* Actor from “Le bonheur” visits Fontenay-aux-Roses and talks to residents about the film. 10 min.
- The Little Story of Gwen from French Brittany (2008) “La petite histoire de Gwen la bretonne.” This short dramatized biography appears to have been released after the COMPLETE FILMS box set. The American Cinematheque “premiered” it on YouTube in April 2020. 6 min.
- Souvenirs and Evocations (2008)⑩* “Evocations et Vocations.” Short documentary about the people involved in Varda’s “Jacquot of Nantes” (1991) and how they fell in love with making movies. 7 min.
- Agnès Tells a Sad and Happy Story (2008)⑩* “Agnès V. raconte l’histoire triste et gaie du film Jacquot de Nantes.” Varda talks about the making of “Jacquot of Nantes” (1991). 17 min.
- The Beaches of Agnès (2008)⑮T 2K digital master Autobiographical feature-length documentary. 112 min.
- Daguerre Beach (2008)⑮* Footage of the creation of the beach in front of her house in “The Beaches of Agnès.” 9 min.
- Around Trapeze Artists (2009)⑮* “Trapézistes et voltigeurs.” Supplemental documentary to “The Beaches of Agnès.” 10 min.
- Agnès Varda: From Here to There (2011)⑭DVCAM “Agnès de ci de là Varda.” Varda’s 2008-2011 travels, finished as a documentary series. Five 45-minute episodes originally broadcast on Arte France television Dec. 19-23, 2011.
- In Chris Marker’s Studio (2011)⑭* “Dans l’atelier de Chris Marker.” This is a 9-minute supplement, possibly released in 2012. The Criterion set only includes the first 6-minutes, from Episode 1 of “From Here to There.” The remaining 3 minutes can be found on YouTube or the full supplement on Vimeo. Marker and Varda meet in real life, Paris, (2009) and in Second Life (virtual world, 2011).
- Two Parisian Muralists (2012)⑥* “Deux artistes de rue à Paris” Short documentary about street artists Jérôme Mesnager & Miss.Tic, filmed between 2006 and 2012. 5 min.
- Mathieu Amalric and Agnès Varda (2012)②* Interview with the actor/director on making one’s first feature (La Pointe Courte). 9 min.
- Un salut à Henri Langlois (2014) Varda directed this short segment from a 30-minute French Cinematheque online tribute to Henri Langlois entitled “Henri Langlois vu par…” (skip to 26m30s). 3 min.
- Les 3 Boutons (2015)①2K “The 3 Buttons.” Short fantasy drama. Made as the 10th installment of the “Miu Miu Women’s Tales” series, produced by the fashion brand. 11 min.
- Faces Places (2017)⑬T 2K digital master “Visages, villages.” Feature documentary of the Frenchy mural/photography project between Varda and JR. 94 min.
- The Beach Cabin (2017)⑬* Supplement to “Faces Places.” 4 min.
- A Visit from Mattieu Chedid (2017)⑬* Composer of “Faces Places.” 4 min.
- A Chat with Nini (2019)①* Varda asks her cat, “Have I said too much?” 1 min.
- Varda by Agnès (2019)①T 2K digital master Feature-length autobiographical documentary, looking back on her films and travel. Debuted at the Berlinale in February, a month before her death. 119 min.
- Installations (2020)⑮* Not sure how this was produced as it was finalized after her death, but it’s a feature-length documentary of her exhibits from 2003 on, often narrated by Varda herself. 67 min. An earlier version of this, entitled “Les 3 vies d’Agnès” was included in the 2012 DVD set Tout(e) Varda.
Far from Vietnam (1967) was a film that Varda worked on, but her segment was omitted from the final cut.
Cinevardaphoto (2004) “Cinévardaphoto” is a collection of her previously-released documentaries about photography: Ydessa, the Bears and etc. (2004), Ulysse (1983), and Salut les Cubains (1964). Technically not a new work.
The majority of her work is in The Complete Films of Agnès Varda (Criterion 2020) Blu-ray box set, though it’s not quite complete as you can see some works elsewhere, notated above. Release order/year is sometimes approximated. The 39 primary restorations from the box set are marked in bold with 2K, 4K, or DVCAM.
①-⑮ Box set disc number
* Archival programs from Varda’s “Ciné-Tamaris” team marked with an asterisk.
T Trailer included.
+ Varda’s DVD introduction included.
† Other supplementary films in the set are marked with a dagger.