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Tag: film

  • Video clips and history of world cinema: 1938-1947

    10 Years 10 Films (10Y10F) is a project to display embedded YouTube selections of cinema history. This is Decade Six of a series that gives the viewer a quick time-lapse view of how movie technology and style has developed throughout the world – one clip each year – from 1888 through 2017, starting with the…

  • Queer films and directors, 1938-1947 (10Y10F VI Bonus List)

    Some of the gay and lesbian stereotypes in these films are clearly damaging, others are celebrated as coded queer classics in a time when “sex perversion” was forbidden in Hollywood. An interactive version of this list, with notes on each film, can be found at Letterboxd.

  • Movies watched in 2020

    These are my 20 favorite films this year, organized on Letterboxd. Other than the obvious COVID-19 pandemic which hindered theater-going, my movie-watching habits remained largely the same, although I definitely spent more time in front of a screen than in past years. Previous years: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012.

  • Video clips and history of world cinema: 1928-1937

    10 Years 10 Films (10Y10F) is a project to display embedded YouTube selections of cinema history. This is Part Five of a series that gives the viewer a quick time-lapse view of how movie technology and style has developed throughout the world – one clip each year – from 1888 through 2017, starting with the…

  • Recent releases of Alice Guy-Blaché films (1897-1918)

    One of the world’s first film directors has been receiving some much-deserved attention lately, due to the 2018 documentary Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché (1873-1968). Here is a list of just over 100 of her films that you can find pretty easily today on DVD or Blu-ray disc.