Tag: podcast
Now co-hosting the Cast50 Movie Podcast
I’m proud to announce that my partner Aimee and I are hosting a new podcast, “where we question why women make up 50 percent of the world’s population but only a small percentage of the film industry.”
Favorite podcast episodes
I’ve listened to a lot of good episodes from various podcasts since October (when I listed my favorite subscriptions). Here are a few that I rated the highest. Most of them should still be available to download, or at least to stream.
The hazards and joys of bus commuting
I’ve been riding the bus to work for over five months. People frequently ask me what it’s like, so I present to you the good, the bad, and the ugly of bus commuting in Louisville, Kentucky. (See 12/15 UPDATE at the end about the bus breaking down.)
My favorite podcasts
I listen to science, music, and news commentary podcasts on my bus rides to and from work (and often when I’m in my truck). I gave brief mention of my favorites in August with my “This podcast will blow your mind” Radiolab review of their “Limits” episode, but this entry has a detailed rundown of 10 more…
This podcast will blow your mind
Radiolab’s “Limits” episode literally explores what happens when the body, mind… and science are pushed to capacity. I’ve subscribed to several free podcasts since I started taking the bus in June and this is definitely one of the best 60 minutes of talk I’ve heard in a long time. (Hear it after the jump –…