Tag: soccer
Best of World Cup 2010
¡Viva España! I’ve never before felt so happy for Spain as when they won the World Cup yesterday with less than 2 minutes to spare in overtime play. (Of course, I was even happier 18 days earlier when Donovan scored with just seconds to spare in the US/Algeria match to put them into the Round of…
My World Cup predictions
I’ve been unusually busy with job hunting and working this week, but I do have a couple minutes to keep you updated on the biggest sporting event in the world. It’s easier to follow the results than you might think, particularly if you use these handy scoresheets and websites – and it’s been much more predictable so far than…
World Cup soccer in South Africa
The FIFA World Cup starts in less than 3 days. It’s good to see South Africa (the country that recently brought us District 9, Invictus, and Die Antwoord) hosting and I hope this month’s competition brings the world just a little closer together. This is the first time an African nation has hosted. Leaving politics aside,…