When you can’t find it on Google.

New blog for all things J. J.

I’ve just installed WordPress 2.7.1 on my website. This is the obligatory first post. The what, when, and why will come later. Basically, though, I’m reviving my blogging blood. It’s always bugged me to have my online identity spread all over the web (Facebook, MySpace, Blogger, etc.), so I’m back to a proprietary blogging platform. Yay friendly permalinks!

Expect an eclectic variety of topics to come, approximately once or twice a month. This is my personal blog, so I’m not targeting any specific readership demographic. Almost-daily content (twitter, photos, music, etc.) can be found on my FriendFeed.




4 responses to “New blog for all things J. J.”

  1. Nick Avatar

    Back to the basics effectively huh?

    Have fun with it!

  2. Nick Avatar

    Back to the basics effectively huh?

    Have fun with it!

    1. J. J. Avatar

      Yep. I’ve been doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work this week to make sure it’s got a good foundation. Always a big To Do list when it comes to web design – especially designing with web standards and accessibility.

  3. J. J. Avatar

    Yep. I’ve been doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work this week to make sure it’s got a good foundation. Always a big To Do list when it comes to web design – especially designing with web standards and accessibility.