In case you’ve missed the tweets and Facebook activity, yes, I’m now living in Louisville. I’m trying to spend most of my time looking for jobs (My LinkedIn profile), but I’ve been quite occupied getting the new apartment unpacked and acclimating to a new city. Let me know if you need a Guest Pass to see all of the photos in the new Taking Louisville album.

Nathan began law school at UofL almost two weeks ago. Unfortunately, we were not able to move in to Dupont Commons in Old Louisville. It’s a long story, but the end result was that we had to find another place that could accommodate us within four days and have a 6-month lease or less. We had looked at the Phoenix Place apartments (less than a mile east of downtown) a month ago, so we ended up returning there and took the top two floors of a beautiful historic building. Camden Prospect Park was another good option, but we opted to go for something closer to downtown.
Move-in was Friday. We were so relieved to finally have a place to put our things, especially Nathan who had been staying at a Value Place studio room for a week, not to mention Red Roof for a few days since the Dupont management kept moving back our move-in day! Jon and I transported almost everything out of our old house last Sunday. Michael has been indispensable all week. We couldn’t thank him enough! Jon had to return to work in Nashville on Wednesday, so we were very fortunate to have Greg available on Friday to help us move, as well.
I’m leaving out plenty of other juicy details, such as Nathan’s twisted ankle, but I’ll keep this entry as brief as possible. The days seem to be wasting away too quickly already. I will say that our cable Internet with Insight is nice and fast, but I’ve been frustrated with my desktop as it only receives a weak wireless signal up in my room. This, of course, will be remedied as soon as we all agree where we want to camp the router.
To everyone in Nashville, I miss you! I will be blessed to find friends like you in Louisville.

6 responses to “I’ve moved to Louisville”
I’m so glad you are finally settled. I understand the trials of relocating to another state and culture. I’m still sorting out details that are necessities and I’ve been in GA for a month now. Thank goodness for blogs. I need to be better about mine! It’s good to be able to keep up with my friend and know he and his comrades are ok!
I’m so glad you are finally settled. I understand the trials of relocating to another state and culture. I’m still sorting out details that are necessities and I’ve been in GA for a month now. Thank goodness for blogs. I need to be better about mine! It’s good to be able to keep up with my friend and know he and his comrades are ok!
Thank you. Can’t imagine the extra tasks with two kids… and finding a “girl doctor”.
Thank you. Can’t imagine the extra tasks with two kids… and finding a “girl doctor”. this is a good reason and Im sure a reason why you didnt move into dupont commons… this is a good reason and Im sure a reason why you didnt move into dupont commons