Tag: guest blogger
The Thriving Natty Dream Team (Part II)
My friend Natty concludes (for now) guest-blogging this week. More about the man in my introductory post. Things were going well in May. The late spring in San Francisco sees plenty of sun light which always makes me feel more chipper, more productive, more optimistic. I had just finished a fun set of performances and…
Natty is my guest blogger this week
Nathaniel “Natty” Justiniano is a friend I knew only briefly in Nashville, but we’ve stayed in touch for almost three years in different parts of the country. He is one of those people who has an attentive ear and a genuine concern for people – even the ones he has just met. Last year, he…
How a hellish climate change meetup taught me to find my own way
I met J. R. less than a year ago through The Great Michael Vine. J. R. shares my burden of saving the world. He is a lab rat and freelance journalist and writes for Scientific American and LiveScience. His book about the universe was published in 2009. Follow him on Twitter.com/JRMinkel. Hello, Zepfanman.com readers!! Are you…
MPV: Guest blogger
Coming soon.
Chris Fedora: Guest Blogger
The first guest blogger for Zepfanman.com is a fellow cookie lover. I met Chris Fedora at a four-week French immersion program in 1998. This Nova Scotian (now living in Nevada) is sharing the following inaugural post on his new blog, A Tip of the Hat to You. Without further ado, I’m proud to present “Love…