Glamour magazine released a photo of a normal looking woman in their September issue. Anyone larger than a six is considered “plus-size” in the fashion industry. Initially unnamed, Lizzi Miller was known as the “woman on p. 194” to the thousands of readers who wrote in with comments like “This beautiful woman has a real stomach and did I even see a few stretch marks? This is how my belly looks after giving birth to my two amazing kids! This photo made me want to shout from the rooftops.” I realize that it’s not new to have these features, but it sounds like Glamour is committed to modeling more normal looking people. I couldn’t resist borrowing from Kate Harding on who calls it the naked fat girl extravaganza.

Found this story via Ellen, one of my favorite celebrities. Watch the clip:
8 responses to “Naked Fat Girl Extravaganza”
I am encouraged to see any change at all to the media’s portrayal of beauty. I have found, in my life experience, and more and more as I get older, that there is beauty in all people, and there are interesting things about all people. It is a shame that we are told in so many ways what beauty is, and that many people have been programmed to believe that beauty is only a certain thing.
I am encouraged to see any change at all to the media’s portrayal of beauty. I have found, in my life experience, and more and more as I get older, that there is beauty in all people, and there are interesting things about all people. It is a shame that we are told in so many ways what beauty is, and that many people have been programmed to believe that beauty is only a certain thing.
Well said, amigo.
Well said, amigo.
I’ve always been a fan of plus-size models! There’s a great site with many images of plus-size models here:
They’re all gorgeous.
The site’s forum also has thought-provoking discussions about body image and the media.
Shes beautiful
Shes beautiful
Geez…I’d give a lot (and I have a lot to give 🙂 to be fat like this wonderful woman.