Tag: personal
Fasting for a week
I am starting a water, juice, and herbal tea fast today that I plan on continuing for at least a week. The five W’s after the jump…
I did the hundred
It took me almost two months, but I finally completed the hundred pushups training program today. If you go to my pushups logger page, you can see at the bottom that I failed my first 3 tries. In fact, I actually gave up the first time I had tried the program in early 2009.
Update on Grandpa
Just a quick note for those who know and love my grandpa, Tex Knight. I’ll be posting updates randomly on Twitter, Facebook, and Friendfeed (also in the right column of my website) but I don’t have a whole lot of online access other than texting and phone. Talked with him for about an hour this morning…
I’m an honest man
It’s not very often that I blog about philosophical things. My subjective mind is vague and meandering, like a song that needs to be rearranged; please, feel free to translate and connect the dots between these impromptu thoughts. Tonight I’ve been thinking about how people judge my character. Like any good liberal, I try to…
Vox imported
In January of 2009, I was informally surveying different blogging platforms (Virb, Tumblr, Posterous, etc.) and noticed a few friends on Vox. For someone who didn’t want to go through the trouble of hosting their own blog (for example, using WordPress.org as this site now is), Vox seemed like a better community than Blogger or…