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Tag: video

  • Rocky clips

    The 1976 original Rocky was on TV last night. I’ll let the clips speak for themselves other than to say that these films are about much more than just boxing.

  • This podcast will blow your mind

    Radiolab’s “Limits” episode literally explores what happens when the body, mind… and science are pushed to capacity. I’ve subscribed to several free podcasts since I started taking the bus in June and this is definitely one of the best 60 minutes of talk I’ve heard in a long time. (Hear it after the jump –…

  • Dancin’ Kid Vid

    My friend Kurt was up for a few days last week and we were spending some time on Bardstown road – Homemade Ice Cream & Pie Kitchen, Za’s (1st time there, noticed they have Xingu), Bunz, Baxter Avenue Theater, and just about every used music & movie store. We also stopped by Desserts by Helen,…

  • On a Plain

    Even well-written TV shows like True Blood have their faltering moments. Quite a creative episode yesterday, particularly the way it draws you in by disgust. I bring up the show because it reminded me that I can always do a post about music. Anyone recognize the old blues tune playing in the bar towards the…

  • 5 money-saving ways to be an environmentalist

    I’ve used the impassioned scare tactic in my climate crisis epiphany post, but most people just want to know if environmentalism will save them money. Conservation isn’t a new idea and it’s getting harder and harder to be a skeptic about the damage we’re doing to Earth these days. If you’re not convinced, there are still hundreds…

  • Flood support in TN & KY

    It’s taken me several days to come to grips with the flooding in Nashville. At first, it literally hurt too much to read about the destruction in this city so close to my heart, but now I realize that this blog can be another channel to list sources of aide for the disaster. Nashvillest is…