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Zepfanman Blog

A personal blog highlighting links that match the wide variety of my interests, including a monthly Bible entry. Below are excerpts from the most recent. Informal quicklinks and ideas can be found on my Bloglines sideblog. Explore to learn more - click Blog Help if you still have questions.

Yahoo deactivates accounts without warning

Think of the implications of this: all e-mail, notepad entries, photos (Flickr), discussion groups, travel information, payment history, and much more—gone! It happened to me (for a week)…

INXS is back

Who'd a thunk that INXS would have a #1 Billboard Pop Catalogue album in 2005? Thanks to Rock Star: INXS, the reality show that ended last week, Canadian J.D. Fortune is now this Australian band's vocalist. Here are a few of my own thoughts and helpful links.

Wiki of web dev professionals needed

Yet another one of my cries for help. Links and thoughts about expanding the web standards community by creating a quality classifieds (for lack of a better term) website.

September Words: Katrina improves

A few of my thoughts on the disaster which eventually lead me back to what's happening with my own website,

Web content media switching

It's sometimes hard for designers who come to the Web from other media to understand that that not only is...

Feeling the world

I've been touched by a few links of stories and photos abroad. Like the message from Hotel Rwanda, it's sad...

June Words: Grand scheme paralysis

The quest to universalize everything leaves me hanging. Everything from computer standardization to religious reconciliation is leaving me with information overload.

Star Wars III has arrived

Star Wars Last SupperGet the latest Revenge of the Sith news from Egotastic!, Sith Sense, and The Force.

Microsoft development gone overboard

InsideMicrosoft and WinInsider post a flurry of Microsoft activity this week.

Flickr for photos

Happy homeownersChange of plans. Instead of continuing with my Menalto Gallery on my website, I'm now using a Flickr Pro account from the immensely popular and useful photo sharing site. Read more to find out why.

New Mexico's enchanting skies

A description of my drive from Glorieta to Albuquerque via route 14. A few pixelated photos included.

May Words: Our marriage

Thoughts from Song of Solomon's sensual poetry and how it relates to my own marriage.

BusinessWeek starts blogging

It's exciting to see big businesses take blogging seriously - maybe web standards will hit the front pages of magazines...

Next goal: friendly URLs

The next step in improving my site with more permanent links is to use mod_rewrite in Apache. Here are a bunch of tutorials, as well as other useful site-building links.

MT SpamLookup beta

The newly released SpamLookup coupled with MT-Moderate is probably a better option than MT-Blacklist for fighting blog spam.